Chipper Program

Chipping Program Information and Application

No-Cost Chipping Program

Maintaining the legally required 100 feet of defensible space around your property can be a challenge for homeowners. Once you’ve taken the necessary steps to protect your property by thinning and trimming hazardous brush, you are often left with large piles of dry vegetation, which can themselves become a fire hazard.

That is why we created our No-Cost Chipping program for residents in high-fire risk properties in Pajaro Valley Fire District. Once you’ve done the hard work of preparing the space, our crews will come out and chip the cleared vegetation for you, free of charge. The chips are left with you and can be used as a weed suppressing mulch on your property.

Chipping Program Requirements:

Piles must be ready two weeks prior to chipping schedule. Chipping will start April 10-14, 2023.

  • Chipping crew is not responsible for moving brush beyond a 5’ distance from the chipper.
  • No palm, cactus, poison oak, or ice plant will be chipped.
  • Brush must be free of mud, rocks, and other debris.
  • Maximum six-inch diameter on cut limbs.
  • Piles must be fully accessible for chipping equipment and crew.
  • Chipped material to be left on-site in the area, not hauled away.
  • Brush or limbs that have been mechanically removed (by tractor or bulldozer) will not be chipped.
  • Piles should be stacked with tree limbs all facing the same direction for ease of feeding the chipper.
  • Residents will not be allowed to feed material into the chipper.
  • The Chipping Program Application period is closed for 2023.

We are look forward to providing this service to our residents. If you have questions or need any additional information. Please email us at