Board Financials
A collection of board financials is available below. Financials are saved and posted in Adobe Acrobat file format. If you do not have Adobe’s Acrobat Reader, please go to Adobe’s Website here and download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
You may download and view any of the financials listed below. Simply click on the text of the minutes you want to view and follow the instructions to download.
Preliminary & Final Budgets
- Resolution 2020-04 Preliminary Budget
- Resolution 2020-05 Final Budget
- Resolution 2021-02 Preliminary Budget
- Resolution 2021-06 Final Budget
- Resolution 2022-05 Preliminary Budget
- Resolution 2022-10 Final Budget
- Resolution 2023-06 Preliminary Budget
- Resolution 2023-10 Final Budget
- Resolution 2024-05 Preliminary Budget
- Resolution 2024-09 Final Budget
Annual District Audits
Contact Us
Pajaro Valley Fire Station
562 Casserly Rd
Watsonville, CA 95076
Office Tel 831.722.6188
Office Fax 831.722.7333