Fire Planning
Fire Marshall’s Office
Pajaro Valley Fire Protection District in conjunction with the Santa Cruz County Fire Marshalls office provides fire protection planning services within the Pajaro Valley Fire Protection District and the un-incorporated areas of Santa Cruz County.
The fire marshal’s office performs plan reviews and inspections pursuant to Titles 19, 24 and 25 of the California Code of Regulations. This includes plan review of building plans along with water tanks, hydrants, sprinkler systems and alarms for both commercial and residential occupancies. The office also performs annual and licensing inspections required by Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations. These inspections include schools within the Pajaro Valley Unified School District and also licensed day cares.
For more information and downloadable forms, visit the following Website:
The Santa Cruz County Fire Department Website!
Follow the Santa Cruz County Fire Marshall page.

Contact Us
Pajaro Valley Fire Station
562 Casserly Rd
Watsonville, CA 95076
Office Tel 831.722.6188
Office Fax 831.722.7333